How time gets shorten????
Actually earth is rotating faster than usual since last 50 years. Earth takes 24 hours or 86400 seconds to complete their rotation on their axis. But from the last 50 decades earth rotation goes abnormal. Earth starts completing their rotation on their axis 0.05 milliseconds earlier. This means day on earth gets shorten by 0.05 milliseconds. 19 July 2020 was recorded as the shortest day that was 1.4602 milliseconds shorter than the normal day.
Earth's rotation depends upon many natural activities. Molten core lava, tides, atmospheric pressure, friction, gravitational force are causes change in the speed of Earth's rotation but surprisingly the thing is that it is now caused due to global warming. Scientists are saying that global warming causes melting of glaciers which causes redistribution of mass due to which speed of earth start varying.
Negative leap second??
As earth is moving faster, the time is starts shorten. If earth rotation speed continuosly start increasing, then we need to minus a second from the atomic clock to maintain the accuracy of time. But it is too early to say, because it's speed is not much increased, but we can only estimate that it may happen in future to consider a negative leap second. It had never happened in past ,but it may happen if conditions remains same.
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