The Third Eye (also called the Mind's eye or Inner eye).The Third Eye chakra is the Sixth chakra. Located on the forehead, between the Eyebrows, it is the center of intuition and foresight. The function of the third eye chakra is driven by the principle of openness and imagination. We all have third eye by birth but they are inactivated.
Actually, there is no physical third eye , it's just a form of energy and third can't be visible through naked eyes.
Third eye chakra is also known as sixth chakra ,Third eye chakra, Brow chakra, Ajnan chakra, Bhru Madhya, Dvidak Padma.
1) Psychic powers:- It is believed that, a person can get supernatural or psychic powers if they open their third eye like telekinesis, telepathy and many others.
2) Pre- recognisation:- if a person opens their third eye, they can get visions or may gets dream about what will happen in future.
3). Mind-reading:- After opening the third eye, a person can read mind of others, can read things with their eyes closed, can get guts about will people thats completely true
Dangers of Third Eye:
1) A light feeling of pressure between your eyebrows. - This could be similar to the sensation of someone gently pressing a finger to the skin in that area.
2)Astral Projection:- When you astrally project, part of you leaves your body and travels elsewhere. As you become more spiritually powerful by opening your third eye, this power can emerge at unpredictable times and this can be difficult to get used to at first. It may also becomes scary sometimes
3). Can't Control-Mind:- after opening third eye, if any person can't control it's power it will become cusre for them because we will get hallucinations , start seeing things that doesn't exist and then gradually start losing our control on mind. That's why naturally we have our third eye inactivated.
Mythological statements behind Third Eye:
In Indian spiritual traditions, the third eye refers to the ajna (or brow) chakra.The third eye refers to the gate that leads to the inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In spirituality, the third eye often symbolizes a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with religious visions, clairvoyance, the ability to observe chakras and auras, precognition, and out-of-body experiences. People who are said to have the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the third eye is said to be located around the middle of the forehead, slightly above the junction of the eyebrows, representing the enlightenment one achieves through meditation. Hindus also place a "tilaka" between the eyebrows as a representation of the third eye, which is also seen on expressions of Shiva.Buddhists regard the third eye as the "eye of consciousness", representing the vantage point from which enlightenment beyond one's physical sight is achieved.
Scientific reasons behind Third Eye:
The third eye chakra is sometimes referred to as our sixth sense and is believed by some to be linked to the pineal gland. It's thought that an open third eye can lead to an increase in perceptive, intuitive, and spiritual abilities.Pineal gland activation brings a more significant connection to the natural world and a willingness to let go of ego pursuits that shut out our soul. Lucid dreamingastral projection, and an enhanced imagination are topics related to pineal gland activation. The pineal may be a gateway to higher creativity.
However, there is no scientific evidence that third eye really exist.
How does lord shiva get has third eye??
Once, Lord Shiva was sitting fully engaged in meditation. Goddess Parvati, his consort came there and playfully covered both his eyes with her hands. ... With his divine power, Shiva created a third eye in the centre of his forehead. Fire emerged from his third eye and he restored light in the universe.
There is a story about how Shiva opened his third eye. In India, there is a god of love and lust called Kamadeva. Kama means lust. Lust is something that most people do not like to face head on. You want some aesthetics around it, so you make it love! The story goes that Kama hid behind a tree and shot an arrow at Shiva’s heart. Shiva got a little disturbed. So he opened his third eye, which is a fiery eye, and burnt Kama to ashes. This is the story that is generally told to everyone.
Actually, there is no physical third eye , it's just a form of energy and third can't be visible through naked eyes.
Also, lord shiva doesn't have a physical third eye, but in pictures of Shiva third eye is shown to represent that lord shiva have activated and controlled the power of third eye.
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