In today's world everyone tries to break password or to steal data of someone for their purpose. Many people wants to be hacker. People become aware about these things but inspite many online frauds are taking place which is done by breaking the password of your account.
Some common methods of password breaking:-
1). Brute force attack
2). Dictionary attack
3). Rainbow table
4). Phishing
5). Spidering
Brute force attack:- in brute force attack ,hackers use hidden and trial method. They guess the password by putting commonly used password one by one with the help of software or coding.
Dictionary attack:-in dictionary attack, if a password is a dictionary word or phrase than hackers can easily guess them.
Rainbow table:-when you set password on your account it is not stored in text format, actually it is encrypted into hash language. Ex.
If you set your password in Gmail -12345
Then in company database it is stored as
5a4vigdv744vj853fbdv$@@68 in hash language
When hackers break your password,it means they actually get your hash password. Once they get your hash password,they need to decrypt into text format to login into your account. Then they uses a table of hash alongwith their text to crack your password.
Phishing:- creating fake webpage to get account id, password or details is called phising. Hackers makes fake webpage of an official site that looks exactly like same as official page, for a common people. When a person login into account their details gets forward to hacker.
Spidering:-when you login into website, then your activities are seeing by someone. When you click on some site or do anything on that spidered site your whole activities are transferred to hacker
Prevention that can protect our data in a better way:
1). Your password should be 8-16 letters
2). Your passwords must contains both upper case and lowercase.
3). Your password must contains numbers and symbols
4). Never use dictionary words.
5). Never use your Nick name, your name or any favourite thing as password.
6). Always use random meaningless password.
7). Change your password every week.
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