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Nikola Tesla - a person who change the world.

   Nikola Tesla  is one of the most famous scientist. He was famous for their alternating current (AC) electric system, discovery of rotating magnetic field.  .                  Image of Nikola Tesla Who was Nikola Tesla?? Nikola Tesla  was a Siberian-American inventor, mechanical engineer, electric engineer who was born on  10 July 1856  in Smiljan. His father name is  Miltun Tesla  who was a Orthodox priest and writer. Her mother (Djuka Mandic)  was unschooled but highly intelligent.                    Nikola Tesla was very intelligent. During his teen years, he could solve toughest mathematical problem within seconds. He was able to visualize objects including his inventions he was building, in his mind to the minutest detail. His IQ score ranges from  160 to 310.  Because of their high intelligence, sometimes Nikola Tesla was call...
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Your time gets shorten๐Ÿ˜ณ

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Have you experienced deja vu๐Ÿ˜ณ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

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